TEDxOMAHA Salons returns to KANEKO for a regular Third Monday of the Month Salon, starting at 6:00 PM.
Our next Salon features an educational and interactive experience around the topic of improv comedy. This Salon will be led by Dr. Mike Smith who has been involved with and teaching improv comedy classes at the Backline comedy club for a number of years.
We will be exploring our ability to move beyond our own safety and security, reaching the highest need on Maslow’s pyramid of self-actualization, which involves a person knowing themselves, understanding their full potential, and reaching it.
We'll talk about techniques to reach a state of flow, which is often described as a mental state in which people experience complete immersion and involvement in an activity. Things seem to happen almost effortlessly, and time seems to disappear while in this state. Athletes often refer to this state of mind as being "in the zone."
Join us at KANEKO on Monday, October 17th from 6:00-7:00 PM for conversation and thought-provoking ideas worth spreading on improv comedy.
KANEKO is located at 1111 Jones Street in Downtown Omaha.
Tickets are $9. Click here to register for this Salon.